In doing this research, we faces difficulty in registering a lot of new terms that has never come cross to us before. It was really stressful as we feels that each paragrah of the topic it is discussing is alien to us. So, in order to understand our assignment, we have to re-read the article over and over again in order to summarise it. This is because, it is impossible to summarize and get the gist of an article or two without knowing what it is all about.
By learning about CALL, it has been an eye opener for us in learning about how technology can enhance and develop the learning and teaching process in classroom. Personally, the term CALL has never been in our register. This assignment introduces and gave us a clear idea of computer aided method, the pros and cons and gave us the idea of CALL. We think that this method should be applied in all government school in Malaysia to gain the interest in students especially to primary and secondary students in second language acquisition.
By learning about CALL, it has been an eye opener for us in learning about how technology can enhance and develop the learning and teaching process in classroom. Personally, the term CALL has never been in our register. This assignment introduces and gave us a clear idea of computer aided method, the pros and cons and gave us the idea of CALL. We think that this method should be applied in all government school in Malaysia to gain the interest in students especially to primary and secondary students in second language acquisition.
But the traditional method in learning must not be forgotten as well. We think that, the methods are ought to be combined to have a better result in learning second language, because each person has their own preference in learning. Islam stresses on education. Therefore, CALL has been a mean for us to find a new method which can help learners in acquiring second language. Thus, we always have to come out with a new and advanced method in assisting learners.
Allah (s.w.t) says:
Only those fear Allah , from among His servants, who have knowledge. Indeed, Allah is Exalted in Might and Forgiving.
Good reflection. Always proofread all postings.